Twenty Twenty LOVE x

I am currently obsessed with an amazing English group called Twenty Twenty.
As in past posts they are made up of:
Sam Halliday
His brother Jack Halliday and of course the GORGEOUS Sonny Watson-Lang!

The link above is to my favourite song by them!
If you want any links to more songs, email me @  [email protected]
or comment on this post and I will put more up, I also am in possesion of their fanmail address for fans.

I first heard of these boys threw a magazine where they posted and of course I thought they looked HOT, so I checked them out and fell in love :P
I am soon to have 2 t-shirts and 2 wristbands from their merchandise and am hoping to build the connection. Currently my favourite Band EVER!

Spread the TT love


BIG news x

About 2 days ago, I found out I had been accepted into a Kayak club.
When I first was finding out information I was told that I would have to wait until next april before I would be accepted, but I had the best surprise ever, I got an email saying that they would love to welcome me early!!!

I start one week Monday, so I will deffo let you guys know how it goes.


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